Saturday, January 5, 2013

A reason to come back...

I originally started this blog in hopes that I would find something to write about. That something in my life would be interesting enough for me and other people to read and remember. I was pretty good writing in my diary when I was in elementary school (apparently I had a lot to write about!) but the older I got I think it became more of a chore. I was made to keep a journal on my semester abroad in London (which I am thankful for now), but I wouldn't have done it if it were not an assignment I would be graded on later. There are plenty in my family who have written their memories down and my grandpa has even started his own autobiography. That way things in life are not forgotten. That is why I have started this blog back up.
Greg and I recently got some exciting news that we have waited for for over 2 years now. We found out that we are finally expecting in early August (August 9th to be exact :)! We are thrilled for this blessing and want to remember this journey and look back on it to see what we went through to get to where we are.
It wasn't an easy journey to get to where we are at this moment in time, which is 9 weeks along :) but it is one I am thankful for.
So, needless to say, I think this reason is a pretty good reason to come back and begin writing again. I hope to be able to go back to this and remember everything from now until we become a family of 3 (5 if you include our dogs...which we do ;)

So far I have been blessed with a fairly easy pregnancy, just some nausea and fatigue, but easy from what I've heard :) It's just a reminder I guess that there is a life growing inside me :) Which amazes me everyday. Here is our first sonogram of our little bean. This was taken about 7 1/2 weeks along. I was in awe when we heard the heartbeat that day. I only wish we had recorded it, but I don't think I could ever forget that sound!


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